GEM Lifestyle update

13 01 2009
Shush Arya

Shush Arya

Hello and happy new year to you and your families. I believe 2009 will be a momentous year for those who are involved in the direct sales industry that take massive action in building their home businesses. The major global recession we are experiencing  is creating a massively hungry market of people who need extra income, who need to take control of their lives and who quite simpy need to survive this financial crisis.

I spent a day at the GEM Lifestyle offices yesterday at a meeting with founders of GEM, Mark Campbell, Peter Powderham, Elaine Fishberg and Charles Chisnall. We will have the products launching for people to earn points from within the next few days and that is very exciting news. To all the worldwide associates who have had the patience and the vision of understanding what you have in your hands I thank and congratulate you.

For all of you who have become fully paid associates, your investment has positioned you early ahead of the masses, and the masses will come in the future, have no doubt. I have previously been involved in a business in the pioneering phase like we are now with GEM Lifestyle and when all the pieces fall into place with the products, websites, marketing systems and momentum, the business will grow totally out of control. I have been fortunate to have experienced this already and that explosion in that business basically transformed mine and my families life.

The complexity of what we are creating with GEM Island from a technical prospective will  however  take time and cause many challenges, some we have already experienced. With any business success  is determined by how you tackle challenges  and I have to say the GEM Lifestyle founders are an incredible management team with a superb track record.

My advise to all associates is to share the GEM Lifestyle opportunity with people as this incredible investment opportunity in which they can position themselves as you have done. By following some simple steps to get into the income pools and then helping others do the same, they can potentially create a life changing additional income. The more people you consistently share the business with the more success you will have.

Stayed tuned into the Company conference calls, webcasts and emails.

There will be a special live video broadcast on Wednesday 14th January 8.30pm GMT with founder associate Peter Powderham. The link is



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